What you'll need

  1. Join the 46elks Slack workspace or the Slack space of your choice ofc 👍🏼
  2. A 46elks account.
  3. Your API credentials.
  4. A virtual phone number.
  5. A live server to run Python on.

Send SMS with Python

If you do not have access to a server to run Python on, then you can borrow our server. Send a SMS with your first name to +46766865445 and you'll get a login on SMS: SMS account

Log in to the server


Send a SMS

Set up Slack app and webhook

Set up a Flask app and our Python code

Let's set up Flask to create our virtual environment. Run each command in your command line.


Write the Python code

Create a new python file sms-slack.py and now let's code our SMS integration

Configure our 46elks number

Let's see if it works

Start the Flask app

Now we start our Flask app in the command line and see if it works.

Now you send a SMS to your virtual number and see if it gets forwarded to your Slack channel - Let's test it and see what happens 🚀

TL;DR version of the guide

You'll need to do the below steps and then copy the entire code is avaible below to be run on your server.

Create a Slack app and webhook

Send SMS to Slack

Configure your virtual number


Send a SMS to your virtual number - Let's see if it works 🚀

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support.