Getting started

To follow along you need the following:

Write your PHP code

Finally, it's time to write some PHP. Your code needs to be able to do the following:

There are many ways to implement this in PHP. This is an example of how it can be done using no external libraries:


To successfully send an SMS you need to set the following variables to your own values:

Now, run the code to send yourself an SMS and your phone will buzz. Congratulations, you've just sent an SMS from PHP.

Some tips on SMS parameter formatting:

The basic API request to send an SMS must contain these three key:value pairs: to, from and message.

  • The to parameter should be the E.164 formatted number of the recipient.
    Example: +46766861004.

  • The from parameter should be either an E.164 number or a string. That string is often called "Text sender ID" or "alphanumeric sender ID".
    Example: +46766861004, ElkCo

  • The message parameter is the content of the SMS itself and can consist of numbers, letters, and other characters. You can even send emojis.
    Exemple: How was this interview, 👌🏽 or 👎🏽 ?

Next step

You've just sent a text message with a text sender (i.e. not from a phone number). By doing this you can use SMS to remind customers of reservations, send confirmations of new orders, etc.

To send an SMS is the easiest way to get started with 46elks, but you can do so much more. For example you can receive SMS, automatically respond to an incoming SMS or handle voice calls For this and more there are a load of PHP code examples at GitHub.

If you have any questions then get in touch, we love talking to our users!