46elks @ PyCon 2023

If you want to integrate telephony  📞 in your projects, we can help with that!


Hi Pythonistas! This link will set you up with 200 SEK of getting-started credits with our API 🐍

curl https://api.46elks.com/a1/sms \
  -d to=+46766861004 \
  -d message="Hi Pythonistas! This link will set you up with 200 SEK of getting-started credits with our API 🐍" \
  -d from=PyCon
$sms = array(
  "to"      => "+46766861004",
  "message" => "Hi Pythonistas! This link will set you up with 200 SEK of getting-started credits with our API 🐍",
  "from"    => "PyCon"


$url  = "https://api.46elks.com/a1/sms";
$auth = 'Authorization: Basic '.
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";

$context = stream_context_create(array(
  'http' => array(
    'method' => 'POST',
    'header'  => $auth,
    'content' => http_build_query($sms),
    'timeout' => 10

file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
import requests

  data = {
    'to':      '+46766861004',
    'message': "Hi Pythonistas! This link will set you up with 200 SEK of getting-started credits with our API 🐍",
    'from':    'PyCon'
const https = require('https')
const querystring = require('querystring')

const username = 'API-username'
const password = 'API-password'
const auth_str = username + ':' + password
const postFields = {
  to:      "+46766861004",
  message: "Hi Pythonistas! This link will set you up with 200 SEK of getting-started credits with our API 🐍",
  from:    "PyCon",

const key = new Buffer(auth_str).toString('base64')
const postData = querystring.stringify(postFields)

const options = {
  hostname: 'api.46elks.com',
  path:     '/a1/SMS',
  method:   'POST',
  headers:  {
    'Authorization': 'Basic ' + key

const callback = (response) => {
  var result = ''
  response.on('data', (chunk) => {
    result += chunk

  response.on('end', () => {

var request = https.request(options, callback)

Curious to try?

Create your account and get started straight away

Create account

As a fellow Pythonista you'll get 200SEK to play around with ✌🏽

Look for us during PyCon and come talk to us, we are the ones in elks tshirts or pins 👏🏼

So, what can you do?



Virtual numbers

This and much more is possible with 46elks!

You'll find a number of different code examples on Github 🚀

Maybe you'd like to dive in to our documentation.

Do you have any questions?
Please call us on +4676-686 10 04 or send an email to hello@46elks.com.