Integrate SMS, MMS and Phone calls into your
applications with just a few lines of code.

Glad to see that you are attending Hack for Gävle!

Here you will find examples on how you can use our API to bring your ideas to life 👏🏽


Hi! You'll get 10€ to play around with if you sign up via the link on this page

curl \
  -d to=+46766861004 \
  -d message="Hi! You'll get 10€ to play around with if you sign up via the link on this page" \
  -d from=H4G
$sms = array(
  "to"      => "+46766861004",
  "message" => "Hi! You'll get 10€ to play around with if you sign up via the link on this page",
  "from"    => "H4G"


$url  = "";
$auth = 'Authorization: Basic '.
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";

$context = stream_context_create(array(
  'http' => array(
    'method' => 'POST',
    'header'  => $auth,
    'content' => http_build_query($sms),
    'timeout' => 10

file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
import requests'',
  data = {
    'to':      '+46766861004',
    'message': "Hi! You'll get 10€ to play around with if you sign up via the link on this page",
    'from':    'H4G'
const https = require('https')
const querystring = require('querystring')

const username = 'API-username'
const password = 'API-password'
const auth_str = username + ':' + password
const postFields = {
  to:      "+46766861004",
  message: "Hi! You'll get 10€ to play around with if you sign up via the link on this page",
  from:    "H4G",

const key = new Buffer(auth_str).toString('base64')
const postData = querystring.stringify(postFields)

const options = {
  hostname: '',
  path:     '/a1/SMS',
  method:   'POST',
  headers:  {
    'Authorization': 'Basic ' + key

const callback = (response) => {
  var result = ''
  response.on('data', (chunk) => {
    result += chunk

  response.on('end', () => {

var request = https.request(options, callback)

Want to try for yourself?

Create your API-account and get started right away.

Create your account

As an attendee at Hack for Gävle you will get 10€ and phone number to play with ✌🏽

So, what can you do?



Virtual numbers

This and much more is possible with 46elks!

You'll find a number of different code examples on Github 🚀

Maybe you'd like to dive in to our documentation.

Do you have any questions?
Please call us on +4676-686 10 04 or send an email to